Thursday, November 15, 2007

One small voice can do big things...

In the past few months, my mom and step-dad have fallen on difficult times, and have received no assistance from the State of Michigan.

I decided to try and do my daughterly part and contact as many organizations as I could that would maybe help them. One of those organizations, Gleaners Food Bank, contacted my step-dad, and he was able to receive 90 lbs of food! Awesome, eh? Well, just wait- the story gets better.

Recently, there was a fundraiser in Detroit to benefit Gleaners. At this fundraiser, the President of the organization decided to share a story about a local family who had been doing well financially, but had fallen on hard times recently, and were not receiving assistance, as due to their previous salary, they didn't qualify for assistance. The story was an example of how people in this state and in the rest of the United States are suffering, yet our country keeps sending money and aid to other countries. Anyway, I digress. The story that the President of Gleaners shared at the event was not a story at all. It was the email I'd written to them for assistance for my parents. Out of the presumably thousands of requests the organization receives, they chose to use my email as an example. Think that's good? Just wait, it gets better.

One of the fundraising event's biggest donors asked if he could get my mom and step-dad's contact information as he wanted to be able to help. Now, names were not brought up, so we don't know who this generous person is, but he did state a desire to not only help my parents with the bills they are struggling to pay, but he may also help my step-dad in his search for a job. Wow....awesome, eh? Just wait, it gets better.

The BBC is doing a story on the United States and how the unemployment rate and poverty levels are on the rise, yet these people are not receiving all of the assistance they need and many are on the verge of homelessness. They contacted Gleaners to do a segment on food banks, and my parents were chosen to be interviewed. The BBC is coming to their home tomorrow to interview them, in addition to visiting Gleaners to interview them as well.I am so floored by all of this. I had no idea that my email would turn into worldwide news. I am honored that my little voice could do so much to help people. My parents feel the same way, they hope their story may help others in their same situation.

The story will air at 7 p.m. EST on 11/15/2007 on BBC.

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